Internet is Rude

It has been few days I have not wrote anything in my blog. No poems, no essays, no words that I could write. I had something which is stuck in my mind for few days and I really wanted to share it, what is happened to me.

We could not avoid that Internet is the best thing to find something new, something we never found before. I am very happy because using internet, I can met people from another countries and make friends with them. As I am non native-english, meet people from another country is something new for me. Me and they are using english to communicate each other that makes my english skills improved bit by bit. However, I got shock moment few days ago that never happened in my life before.

At that time, I really did not care of what would happen. I met someone from an app and he was really being nice to me. I did not think something would happen to me as I have many friends same as him. After our long-conversation in a month, he told me that he is going to go to a country for his bussiness. Nothing worried, I was enjoy my day at that time. Around 2-3 days, he told me that he is going to go to my country for suprise. What???? I am shocked!. Nervous, worry haunted me every time I tried to take a breath at that moment. I wanted to cry but I do not need to actually. Okhay, I tried to be cool and nothing would happen.

“I am not ready for our meeting soon, dude!” – Me as a girl who never met someone from another country.

Before his flight from transit, he informed me that he will arrive to my country in the morning soon so I can prepare myself to pick him up. He also told me that he will text me if he arrived. I was waiting for it because I am really worried.

In the morning, he still did not text me. Still waiting for his text, but someone was calling me from local number. I did not pick it up because I never wanted pick up the call from unknown number as I know its local number and impossible he will call me with local number. I did not care about it, still waiting and waiting. In afternoon, he text me that something happened to him. The immigration in airport has hold him since morning. What??? Omg! I am dying.

He told me that I must call a number, and its local number that was calling me in morning. I did not think twice, I called that local number.

“Hello?” Someone picked up the call.

“Hello? I am Risa from Jakarta, is this immigration?”

“Oh yes, what can I do for you?”

“I have a colleague who is in the airport now. He told me that the immigration has hold him since morning (and I tell them his name)”

“Oh yes, I was calling you in the morning but you did not pick it up. We are holding him because he brings lot of money without ‘safety’ ”

“What? So what should I and him do?”

“Hm… because we have holding him for long hours and he looks tired, I give you a way to free him. Give us Rp 18.000.000 ($ 1.317) for this case”.

I am dying

Of course I did not have enough money and if I have I will not give to them too. I called 2 of my colleagues to help me to free him. Both of them told me that ‘our laws has no limit to bring the money’. I called that local number again and told them that no laws to hold him because bring lot of money but they still did not care of it. Okhay, I tried to discuss it with him on chat.

He told me that he very tired because have not eaten since morning. That feeling makes me wanted to cry because that is the first time the difficult problem happened to me. He told me just give them money and when he comes out he will give the money back. I did not have enough money, I also did not know how to I get it.

I negotiated with them for little amount but they did not want it. I tried to call one of my college-friend to borrow the money if she can. I told her what was happening to me, what was making me so desperate at that moment. She told me,

“You fooled by them”

I suddenly realized it. I realized what was happening to me.

“You were calling on them?” She asked me.

“Ya, they asked for the money to free him”

“What is the number?”

(I told her that local number)

“This is private number and its prohibited to have communicate with immigration by private number”

(I realized again)

“Block him! Do not ever blame yourself, this is not your mistake” she told me little harsh.

All above I have wrote is based on my fact, also I still save my conversation with him. This is pure my mistake because I did not want to think twice and trust him that he was on trouble. This is also the lesson of how rude internet if we do not use it with ‘a wise’. I hope you can be careful of everything in internet.

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