Do You Believe in Love?

At night, I walk slowly with heavy things inside of mind. Me and him, together, holding each other even though it’s not quite tight. Walk on this road, we laugh about funny things that happened to us.

“Do you believe in love?” He asked me a stupid question.

“I do, love can brings us to everywhere” I answered him.

“To everywhere?” He confused.

“Ya, I believe love can brings us to happiness, sadness, or something further” I explained bravely.

He didn’t say anything but kept going our walk to home. He can be funny, but he can be weird in the same time. I love him, everything inside of him, made me enjoy doing all of shit in this world.

“Do you believe love can stay after-life?” He asked.

“Does love still exist when we are gone from this fuck*n world?” He asked again.

I took a heavy breath. His questions made me want to slap that fuck*n trash mouth.

“You are not asking me, you just hesistate it!”

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