One of My College-Friend is Traveler Addicted – Curug Luhur, Bogor Indonesia

Me and my college-friends are struggling in the same way. We are working to have income for our next education (to university). Working-studying it’s such a difficult condition (for us), because our job-desks and homework are never done. However, we always grateful for our effort and what everything we are getting now. One of my college-friends is a girl (Anggita) who likes spend a lot of her time to traveling. She told us to have a trip, more precisely ‘a cheap trip’. No plane, no need much money, and just spend a day. So she gave recommendation to have a trip to Curug Luhur, Bogor – West Java.

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Fist of all, we are riding bike to reach Curug Luhur from South Tangerang (4 bikes, each bike with 2 persons). We start to riding around 07:15 AM and arrived at 09:20 AM (Indonesia Local Time). When we are arrived, we are like the children who never got candy (relax time).

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Because we go early, we had Nasi Kuning (an Indonesian rice dish cooked with coconut milk and turmeric) for our breakfast. My friend (Rury) who brought some Nasi Kuning for us. She really cares for us.

Then, swimming time!

For me, what I did with my friends at that time, its not only about ‘trip’ but ‘the best friendship’. We are caring each other, we are joking, we are sharing anything, and so on. They always bring me to happiness.