I Think I am Suffering, Oh wait, Let Me Thinking Deeply – Countless Days of Quarantine


Don’t ask me how many days I have been sitting in front of my laptop because it may countless. I have free time during quarantine, however, I didn’t write regularly on this (weird) blog like before. Like I am avoiding every new news, posts, and everything these days. Of course, it all because of COVID-19. It is not supposed to be the reason, but it is a fact-based on my current feeling. In addition, feel like I am suffering from it.

Not A Jobless But Feels So

I haven’t met my colleagues for almost a month because the condition is getting worse. This condition is happening to many countries too, I know, but it is kinda hard for me as I don’t like to stay longer at home. No, my home is not like a hell, I just like to meet people, talk, laugh, and share something with them. However, I have tasks to accomplish but I am feeling alone and want to get out of the home. Wait, I am not a kind of “(sensor)” people who don’t want to stay at home as possible. I obey the rules because I know the risks of COVID-19.

A Bad News from My College-friend

I do both, work and study, and I am a college student. Universities in many countries are canceling the offline lesson during the outbreaks. That is a solution to slow the spreads of viruses, however, it makes me can’t meet my beloved friends. I and they are only connecting with social media, we even have face time. Furthermore, one of my college-friends leaves bad news, she is getting sick. Calm, she is not infected from coronavirus but she has something bad on her bronchitis. However, it is bad news for me. I love them, and heard one of them is getting sick it also makes me down.

A Blind Lover is Crying

Don’t hug, don’t kiss, don’t hold each other because it may spread the viruses. I feel what the couples (long-distance-relationships) feel during self-quarantine. It is hard to be far away from the couple. They might be killed of the distance, and now they have to suffer from this pandemic. Someone says – “Everything is going to be okay” but now it just a useless phrase.

I blamed the pandemic of what has happened to the universe. Unrest, tears, lost, all humans are locked up like in the cage. Why can’t this life go to be normal like before? Why should we keep a distance like everyone is getting mad at each other? Why stay longer at home in which nature shows the beauty of itself? Stop!. Let me take a breath and thinking deeply.

This pandemic almost ruined everything, however, it shows something valuable for me. At first, I wasn’t considering health. I might drink, eat, and live whatever I want which makes me happy. In fact, not everything which makes happy it can be healthy for the body. So the pandemic shows valuable health, drink and eat well to increase the immune of the body. In addition, a small thing like wash hands can save from viruses. Moreover, keep a distance shows me valuable about the “cherish of love”. Even though I can love my partner, family and friends easily but the distance gives me a lesson that their position is really precious for me. I make a promise, when the condition is better, I want to hug them tightly. In the last, the pandemic shows me that “I have a home”. Before, I was thinking that I didn’t have a place to come back because I never felt comfortable in my home. Again, it is not because of my home like a hell, however, when I stay longer at home it can make me depressed. Now I can peace of it, I realized “this is my home, a place to come back when I am tired, sad, or even happy”. From the suffering to the grateful.


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